The Mosaic Company | Sustainability Reporting | Potash Mining | Phosphate Mining
Our Approach

Our Approach

Mosaic’s Environmental, Social, and Governance Performance

Our sustainability efforts, or environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance efforts, are directly connected to our corporate strategy and mission

Mining and fertilizer production require resource extraction, consumption of materials, generation of emissions in operations and water use. These activities are all necessary to fulfilling our mission to help the world grow the food it needs. From mine to market, we are working to minimize our impacts and maximize the value we deliver to diverse stakeholders around the globe. Our journey is ongoing, and we are continually evaluating what it means to be a good employer, supplier, neighbor and value creator.

We employ this strategy as a way to promote good stewardship of the natural, human and social resources we rely upon; mitigate risks; leverage opportunities; and solidify our position as an industry leader. Our work is prioritized in four focus areas and our 2025 ESG Performance Targets drive progress on the issues that are most important to Mosaic and our diverse stakeholders.

Responsible leadership

Responsible Leadership


Governance of ESG issues and programs is shared by many at Mosaic, but ultimately, it is our workforce of more than 12,000 that is responsible for the day-to-day work that drives our progress. This imbedded approach means that everyone – from dragline operators and engineers to administrative professionals and accountants – has responsibility for sustainability at Mosaic. For more information, see our Management Approach


Commitment to Transparency

Take a look at our disclosures

Mosaic publishes an annual disclosure of our performance, which follows the Global Reporting Initiative and is aligned to the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Standards for Chemicals and Metals & Mining sectors. We participate in voluntary reporting initiatives and have earned recognition for our performance and disclosure practices. See our Sustainability Reporting and Transparency priority for more details.

esg performance targets

Our 2025 ESG Performance Targets chevron

Our sustainability journey continues, and our 2025 targets are representative of where we're headed over the next several years. These targets will guide our efforts as we hold ourselves accountable to measurable progress. We're proud to be a responsible company and a global industry leader in this space.